Discovering the secrets of entertainment.

Year of publication: 2002

Platform: Coin Op - Developer: Gaelco S.A. - Publisher: Gaelco S.A.

During two years I worked on the development of an ATV sport game that rides through the Amazone.

First of all, I had the idea of creating an ATV game, then, I put it into the Amazone. It really sounds thrilling when you imagine that, isn't it?.

I wrote the entire script of the game and I designed all the stages. The circuits were created metre by metre and the gags that happen on the stages were tested thousands of times. I also invented the new "time extended" system, based on a card where is stamped "Ok" of "X" if you arrive or not on time to the current Check Point.

Finally I adjusted the driving style and playability with the lead programmer Jose Antonio Tornero.

The cabinet was created simultaneously with the game. At the end of the entire project I could test the game playing on the cabinet. It was incredible. When I finished my first ride I just said: "woooooowww".





















A part of the developers team of this game.From left to right and from up to down:  Javi, Nico, Ernesto, Toni 2, Nico 2, Moises, Carlos, Enric, Manel, ME, Diego, Victor and Jose Antonio.


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